51st State

Flag: 51st US state added to theoretical flag.

Apparently there’s a design for a 51 star US flag in case a 51st State is ever added to the US. I think now would be a good time for me to consider my earlier statement of playing with the GIMP 2.2 with a view towards merging this design with that of the Union Jack. Or perhaps our combined flag would feature the UK islands outline as a small glyph within the image.

I spent far too long reading Wikipedia again tonight. It’s infectious – I only wanted to look up a bit about Edinburgh but ended up reading about Alexander Graham Bell (famous Canadian after relocation) and even Tony Blair (I didn’t know he was born in Edinburgh). There also seem to be a few Geocaches matching a search for the City. Sid has just expressed an interest in joining me on the trip, so I might have some company – I also mentioned that there is going to be an LBW up in Scotland (in Killin) in August.


P.S. That’s probably enough posting fever for one day. Heck, I can if I want to.

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